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FENRIR Motorcycle Saddlebag Locks Security Bolt Knobs Fasteners Hardware Kit 304 Stainless Steel For Harley Davidson 1993-Now Touring Electra Glide Road Glide Road King Street Glide Ultra Limited
Product Information
Product name: 809-Y006+Y007+Y008
Product model: Motorcycle Saddlebag Locks Security Bolt Knobs Fasteners
Product Material: 304 stainless steel;High Carbon Steel;Teflon
Product surface treatment:Electroplating process
Product function: Safety function design,Protect your saddlebags from falling off or theft;Easy to install or remove without tools.
The item can fit:
Electra Glide Classic FLHTC 1993-2013
Electra Glide Classic FLHTCI 1996-2006
Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCSE 2004
Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCSE2 2005
Electra Glide Revival FLH REVIVAL 2021-
Electra Glide Sport FLHS 1993-1994
Electra Glide Standard FLHT 1995-2022
Electra Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCU 1993-2019
Electra Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCUI 1993-2019
Electra Glide Ultra Classic Low FLHTCUL 2015-2016
Electra Glide Ultra Limited CVO/SE FLHTKSE 1995-2006
Electra Glide Ultra Limited FLHTK 2010-2024
Electra Glide Ultra Limited Low FLHTKL 2015-2019
FLHRI Road King 1996-2006
FLHTI Electra Glide Standard 2003-2006
FLHTKSE CVO ULTRA Limited 2014-2021
FLHXI Street Glide 2006-
FLTRKSE CVO Road Glide Limited 2022-2023
Road Glide Custom FLTRX 2010-2013
Road Glide CVO/SE FLTRSE3 2009
Road Glide CVO/SE FLTRSEI2 2001
Road Glide CVO/SE FLTRXSE 2012-2022
Road Glide FLTR 1998-2009
Road Glide FLTRI 1998-2006
Road Glide FLTRX 2015-2023
Road Glide Limited FLTRK 2020-2024
Road Glide SE FLTRSEI 2000
Road Glide Special FLTRXS 2015-2023
Road Glide ST FLTRXST 2022-2023
Road Glide Ultra CVO/SE FLTRUSE 2011, 2015, 2016
Road Glide Ultra FLTRU 2011-2019
Road King Classic FLHRC 1998-2019
Road King Classic FLHRCI 1998-2006
Road King Custom FLHRS 2004-2007
Road King Custom FLHRSI 2004-2007
Road King CVO/SE FLHRSE3 2007
Road King CVO/SE FLHRSE4 2008
Road King CVO/SE FLHRSE5 2013
Road King CVO/SE FLHRSE6 2014
Road King CVO/SE FLHRSEI 2002
Road King CVO/SE FLHRSEI2 2003
Road King FLHR 1994-2022
Road King Special FLHRXS 2017-2024
Street Glide CVO/SE FLHXSE 2010-2022
Street Glide CVO/SE FLHXSE2 2011
Street Glide CVO/SE FLHXSE3 2012
Street Glide FLHX 2006-2024
Street Glide Special FLHXS 2014-2023
Street Glide ST FLHXST 2022-2023
Tour Glide Ultra Classic FLTCU 1993-1995
Tour Glide Ultra Classic FLTCUI 1996
Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCUSE 2006
Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCUSE2 2007
Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCUSE3 2008
Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCUSE4 2009
Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCUSE5 2010
Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCUSE6 2011
Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCUSE7 2012
Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO/SE FLHTCUSE8 2013
shipping to addresses in the United States , time: 4-10 work days
shipping to addresses in the Europe , time: 10-15 work days
shipping to addresses in the Japan , time: 5-10 work days
shipping to addresses in other country , time: 10-25 work days
shipping to addresses in the United States , time: 2-5 work days
shipping to addresses in the Europe , time: 3-8 work days
shipping to addresses in the Japan , time: 7-15 work days
shipping to addresses in other country , time: 7-15 work days
We understand that when you make an order, you want your gear as quickly as possible and we will do our best to make that happen! Most of the items we sell will ship quickly and be at your door fast. We own four distribution centers, one in US, one in DE, one in CN,and one in JP. Additionally, we work closely with our vendors in order to have the product shipped directly to you from their warehouse if that means you will get the product faster.
Items will have an availability status shown once a size/color is selected on the product page; this availability status will also be shown on the shopping cart page and in your order confirmation email. Most products will be marked "In Stock - Requires 1-3 work days of lead time prior to shipment". These products will ship within 1-3 work days, but if you select an expedited shipping method, please note that this will not reduce the lead time before the order is shipped.
Work days are Monday-Saturday; Holidays and Sunday are not included in shipping days.
While we will do our best to ship from the distribution center closest to you, not all items will always be in stock in every location at all times. In some cases we will split the order and ship each package out to you individually and in other cases we may need to consolidate the items in one location to ship out as one package. We utilize our best judgment in an attempt to get the products to you as quickly as possible.
A shipping confirmation email including carrier specific tracking information will typically be sent within 24 hours of an item shipping. For example, if you place an order Monday night and it ships out Thursday morning, you will receive your tracking information either Thursday evening or Friday morning.
International Shipping Terms & Conditions
Any import duties, taxes or brokerage fees due at the time of delivery are the sole responsibility of the recipient.
Order Cancellation
If you change your mind, act quickly! We turn around and process orders extremely quickly.
Once an order has a status of "Order Processed," it cannot be cancelled or modified, as the order has been processed by our warehouse and is in the queue to be shipped out.
Delivery Policy
Typically packages will be left at your door and do not require a signature.
Damaged Goods
If an item arrives visibly damaged, please contact FENRIR Customer Service immediately. FENRIR will assist customers with these claims to the best of its ability.